Q: How do I place an order? A: Browse our website, select items, add to cart, and complete checkout using available payment methods.
Q: Can I modify or cancel an order? A: Contact customer service within 24 hours of order placement.
Q: What is your shipping cost? A: Flat rate of $150 USD for all orders within the contiguous United States.
Q: How long will my order take to arrive? A: 1-3 days handling + 4-7 business days transit time.
Q: What payment methods do you accept? A: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, and Discover.
Q: Is my payment information secure? A: We use industry-standard encryption to protect your data.
Returns & Refunds
Q: What is your return policy? A: 30-day return policy for unused, original condition items.
Q: How long do refunds take? A: Once approved, refunds process within 7 days to the original payment method.
Product Information
Q: Do you sell internationally? A: No, we only ship within the contiguous United States.
Q: What types of pallets do you liquidate? A: Various categories including retail, wholesale, and mixed merchandise pallets.
Customer Support
Q: How can I contact you? A: Phone: +1 571-504-7651, Email: sales@onestoppalletliquidation.com